poem called for remembrance of the pioneers
who had bequeathed such a rich legacy to Nova
Scotians and exhorting them to "Nourish
the patriot flame that history dowers."
Fenerty found much inspiration in Joseph Howe's
works. Fenerty eventually wrote a poem about
him (but was lost with some of his other works).
The poem Betula Nigra is about a Black Birch
tree that was located on his father's farm
(a very large and old tree - 24 feet in circumference
and over 1000 years old). He starts off comparing
the tree to man made structures like the Pantheon
and the Obelisk (wide and tall like the tree):
No mouldering Pantheon meets my eye,
No crumbling Obelisk is nigh,
No ancient tower uprears
A seer and venerable form—
Scarred by the warring of the storm,
Bleached by the mists of years. |