is another undated poem of his. The original
is on the previous page (click picture for larger
one). The poem has a double meaning. Fenerty
was a farmer. He grew up on a farm and then
became a lumberman. The earth gave Fenerty more
than a means to live; it was a friendship. Adam,
the first man, was a farmer too. As the first
man, and setting an example (especially with
the Fall of Man), Adam's life as a farmer shows
the better side of man; one who respects the
earth and all living things. The other meaning
is more of an analogy. We work hard in life
toward our goals, only to face difficult obstacles.
But it's these obstacles that are the very thing
that gives rise to our goal (to know good we
must know evil). This is a short hymn, but it
probably appeared in a newspaper after some
article regarding religion and piety. Fenerty
aimed his poems at issues that few would speak
up against. |