poem is a mixture of popular ballad and music-hall
recitation in their form. The poem can be interpreted
as a clever commentary on ways in which workers
engage in what we now call networking. The poet
is making some witty connections between occupational
networks for tradesmen and the way that these
networks might open up opportunities for other
connections: such as romance. Poets might view
writing as "work," but they also are
open to other opportunities that may come along
with their writing. "Sullivan Ray"
is an unusual form of name. Sullivan or O'Sullivan
is a common surname, and particularly associated
with west Cork, the region in which Skibbereen
is situated. The additional name, such as Ray,
is not found nowadays. Maybe there is a Sullivan
Ray, but it's more likely that Fenerty just
wanted to come up with an Irish-sounding name.
A Lilt of Skibbereen is either a version of
an existing ballad or a pastiche mock-ballad,
built around a journeyman. The central (I) character,
Sullivan Ray, probably doesn’t have an
existence beyond being the narrator of the poem
- whether he is an original creation or borrowed
(as I would suspect) from other stories. These
names seem to be standardly 'oirish', cyphers
rather than real people, particularly as the
author may have had no actual knowledge of Skibbereen
itself. Fenerty probably made up names like
"Sulivan Ray" simply because they
sound lyrical and rhyme easily. This poem was
not written based on actual events; there are
no records of Fenerty ever travelling to these
places. Fenerty was a tradesman, and did work
with building materials (as suggested by his
Certificate of Merit at the Exhibition of 1854),
this poem might have incorporated his present
employment. Since Fenerty was involved in community
affairs upon returning to Nova Scotia, it’s
more likely this poem was written abroad. Fenerty
spent over six outside of Canada. His employment
record might have included general labourer,
builder, lumberman, on top of writing and gold
digging. The last name of the girl he mentions,
McGinlay, is not a common spelling. It is usually
spelled McGinley. The characters in this poem
are fictitious, and the only true part would
probably be his employment. |