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The meaning of the title comes from the philosophical point of view of Taoism. Though Taoism is a religion, its roots come from some of human's greatest philosophers and poets. During Fenerty's time on the fields, there was a large populous of Chinese working the mines too. The title might have been inspired by one of them, but its meaning is direct towards Fenerty's aspiration to become a great poet. In the final stanza Fenerty says:

If thou hast wit like them, like them you may
Win for your dust perchance a marble tomb,
Yet all though life be jostled from the way
To give some wealthy ignoramus room.

Fenerty didn't want fame - no more than Burns, Hogg, or Clifford - he sought meaning. If one is to learn the nature of humans than what better place then a rat race. In such an environment we meet our worst. This is a common theme in his cantos, but he also had his darker side that needed God's aid. This was another reason why Fenerty left; to strengthen his faith. Fenerty aspired to become a poet, and a Man of God (another poem of his). This poem, probably written around 1858 (after arriving, but before the Burns' Centenary - mentioned in his Essay on Progress), is a glimpse at his first feelings toward becoming a poet; or a bard and the Scottish poet was.

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