poem is about the ship Saladin. Back in 1844
Halifax held its last public execution. Tried
and sentence to death were the crew of Saladin
for piracy and mutiny. It was a large crowd;
the 52nd regiment formed a circle around the
scaffold to keep back spectators. It was a fairly
quick trial; starting from early June to the
day of the execution on the 30th July, 1844.
Later on, after the Saladin was decommissioned,
people were selling fragments of the ship. It
was sort of like when the Berlin Wall fell in
1989 - people selling little pieces of the wall
for a hefty price. Fenerty declined. He thought
that it should be left as it were, untouched.
The poem was probably written around 1845 (just
after the execution). In it he mentions Grace
Darling; a young girl who risked her life to
save others who were caught in the middle of
a storm at sea (she was successful),
were it but a fragment of the ting bark which
A fearless maiden o’er the deep, and amid
the tempest’s roar;
And told of her whose feeble form could toil
and danger brave
To answer wail of hopeless hearts; to succour
and to save.
Darling died in 1842. This also suggests when
the poem was written. Fenerty would have included
Darling in to the poem since she was an interesting
topic of those days, and Fenerty liked to write
about famous people just after they past on.
The footnote of this poem says, "These
lines were written upon being offered a fragment
of the pirate ship Saladin." Fragments
of the ship were probably being circulated not
long after the execution and its decommission.
Fenerty continues with his footnote saying,
"The crew of which were tried and executed
in Halifax, many years ago." This helps
with piecing together who actually wrote the
Stewart script. If it were someone other than
Fenerty (who perhaps had all Fenerty's poems
and wanted to publish them in one book), then
the footnote would not make any sense (this
footnote was added afterwards, and spoke as
if it were the author of the poem who wrote
the footnote). |