me the choice of wealth or fame,
“On ample purse; or noble name,
“One to accept and one refuse,
“And fame is not the one I’d choose.
“Once on a time I did despise,
“Wealth and its purchased vanities
“But since a Deacon I became,
“I do confess it, to my shame,
poem starts off, “Alas! The turmoil’s
of the poor, The friction of the labouring oar,"
basically saying "this is what it has come
down to." The speaker in the poem is Deacon
F___, which might obviously be Fenerty. Though
Fenerty was not a Deacon, he might have thought
himself one (since he was very involved with
his church). Or, how better to ask for an opinion
in man's dirty toil than a Deacon. The contrast
between a religious person and the ethics of
man reveal interesting questions. This might
have been why Fenerty left; to face some demons.