James Montgomery, Robert Burns had a great effect
on Fenerty's life as a poet. Much of Burns'
life is remarkably similar to Fenerty's (as
a traveler and bard, religious life, the themes
in their writings, and they were even tax collectors
(something as noble as Socrates waiting for
his death in the Phaedo). They were pious men;
both to God and country. "I know thou urge’st,
Clifford did the same" said Fenerty. His
goal in Australia was not strike it rich in
gold, nor was it to start a new life abroad,
Fenerty was on a quest for knowledge; to better
himself in someway. In his poem The
Saxon's Sentimental Journey, Fenerty
extends his imagination of the world by putting
himself in places that characterize us, and
Of North, or
South or East or West
Of men and things in all the round,
We have as good – perhaps the best –
That can be formed! |